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ध्यानश्लोक dhyānaśloka Meditation Hymn
ॐ ध्यायामोधवलावगुण्ठनवतीं तेजोमयीं नैष्ठिकीम् oṁ dhyāyāmodhavalāvaguṇṭhanavatīṁtejomayīṁ naiṣṭhikīm स्निग्धापाङ्गविलोकिनीं भगवतीं मन्दस्मित श्रीमुखीम् । snigdhāpāṅgavilokinīṁ bhagavatīṁ mandasmita śrīmukhīm वात्सल्यामृतवर्षिणीं सुमधुरं सङ्कीर्तनालापिनींम् vātsalyāmṛtavarṣiṇīṁ sumadhuraṁ saṅkīrtanālāpinīṁ श्यामाङ्गिं मधुसिक्तसूक्तिं अमृतानन्दात्मिकामीश्वरीम् ॥ śyāmāṅgiṁ madhusiktasūktiṁ amṛtānandātmikāmīśvarīm |
We meditate on (Mata Amritanandamayi) whose head is covered with a white garment, who is effulgent, who is ever-established in Truth, whose glances beam with binding love, who is the seat of the six godly qualities, whose radiant smile adorns Her face with auspiciousness, who incessantly showers the nectar of affection, who sings devotional songs most sweetly, whose complexion resembles that of the rain clouds, whose words are soaked in honey, who is bliss immortal and who is the Supreme Goddess Herself. |
॥ ॐ अमृतेश्वर्यै नमः ॥ oṁ amṛteśvaryai namaḥ Om Amriteshwaryai Namaha ॥ १. ॐ पूर्ण-ब्रह्म-स्वरूपिण्यै नमः । 1. oṁ pūrṇa-brahma-svarūpiṇyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the complete manifestation of the absolute Truth (Brahman). २. ॐ सच्चिदानन्द-मूर्तये नमः । 2. oṁ saccidānanda-mūrtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who is existence, knowledge and bliss embodied. ३. ॐ आत्मारामाग्रगण्यायै नमः । 3. oṁ ātmārāmāgragaṇyāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who is supreme among those who revel in the inner self. ४. ॐ योग-लीनान्तरात्मने नमः । 4. oṁ yoga-līnāntarātmane namaḥ Salutations to Her whose inner self (pure mind) is merged in yoga. ५. ॐ अन्तर्मुख-स्वभावायै नमः । 5. oṁ antarmukha-svabhāvāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her whose very nature is inwardly drawn. ६. ॐ तुर्य-तुङ्ग-स्थलीजुषे नमः । 6. oṁ turya-tuṅga-sthalījuṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who dwells in the top-most plane of consciousness (turiya). ७. ॐ प्रभा-मण्डल-वीतायै नमः । 7. oṁ prabhā-maṇḍala-vītāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who is totally surrounded by divine light. ८. ॐ दुरासद-महौजसे नमः । 8. oṁ durāsada-mahaujase namaḥ Salutations to Her whose greatness is unsurpassable. ९. ॐ त्यक्त दिग्वस्तु कालादि सर्वावच्छेद राशये नमः । 9. oṁ tyakta-digvastu-kālādi-sarvāvaccheda-rāśaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who has risen above all the limitations of space, matter and time. १०. ॐ सजातीय-विजातीय-स्वीय-भेद-निराकृते नमः । 10. oṁ sajātīya-vijātīya-svīya-bheda-nirākṛte namaḥ Salutations to Her who is devoid of all kinds of differences. ११. ॐ वाणी-बुद्धि-विमृग्यायै नमः । 11. oṁ vāṇī-buddhi-vimṛgyāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her whom speech and intellect cannot apprehend. १२. ॐ शश्वदव्यक्त-वर्त्मने नमः । 12. oṁ śaśvadavyakta-vartmane namaḥ Salutations to Her whose path is eternally non-defined. १३. ॐ नाम-रूपादि-शून्यायै नमः । 13. oṁ nāma-rūpādi-śūnyāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who is devoid of name and form. १४. ॐ शून्य-कल्प-विभूतये नमः । 14. oṁ śūnya-kalpa-vibhūtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her to whom the yogic powers are of no importance. १५. ॐ षडैश्वर्य-समुद्रायै नमः । 15. oṁ ṣaḍaiśvarya-samudrāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who has the auspicious marks of the six godly qualities. १६. ॐ दूरीकृत-षडूर्मये नमः । 16. oṁ dūrīkṛta-ṣaḍūrmaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who is devoid of the six modifications of life (birth, existence, growth, change or evolution, degeneration, destruction). १७. ॐ नित्य-प्रबुद्ध-संशुद्ध-निर्मुक्तात्म-प्रभामुचे नमः । 17. oṁ nitya-prabuddha-saṁśuddha-nirmuktātma-prabhāmuce namaḥ Salutations to Her who is emanating the light of the Self which is eternal, conscious, pure and free. १८. ॐ कारुण्याकुल-चित्तायै नमः । 18. oṁ kāruṇyākula-cittāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who is full of mercy. १९. ॐ त्यक्त-योग-सुषुप्तये नमः । 19. oṁ tyakta-yoga-suṣuptaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who has given up the yogic sleep. २०. ॐ केरलक्ष्मावतीर्णायै नमः । 20. oṁ keralakṣmāvatīrṇāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who has incarnated in the land of Kerala. २१. ॐ मानुषस्त्री-वपुर्भृते नमः । 21. oṁ mānuṣastrī-vapurbhṛte namaḥ Salutations to Her who has a feminine human body. २२. ॐ धर्मिष्ठ-सुगुणानन्द-दमयन्ती-स्वयम्भुवे नमः । 22. oṁ dharmiṣṭha-suguṇānanda-damayantī-svayambhuve namaḥ Salutations to Her who has incarnated of her own will as the daughter of the virtuous Sugunananda and Damayanti. २३. ॐ मातापितृ-चिराचीर्ण-पुण्यपूर-फलात्मने नमः । 23. oṁ mātāpitṛ-cirācīrṇa-puṇyapūra-phalātmane namaḥ Salutations to Her who was born to her parents as a result of their many virtuous lives. २४. ॐ निश्शब्द-जननीगर्भ-निर्गमाद्भुत-कर्मणे नमः । 24. oṁ niśśabda-jananīgarbha-nirgamādbhuta-karmaṇe namaḥ Salutations to Her who did the miraculous deed of keeping silence when She came out of Her mother’s womb. २५. ॐ काली-श्रीकृष्ण-सङ्काश-कोमल-श्यामल-त्विषे नमः । 25. oṁ kālī-śrīkṛṣṇa-saṅkāśa-komala-śyāmala-tviṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who has the beautiful dark complexion of Kali and Krishna. २६. ॐ चिरनष्ट-पुनर्लब्ध-भार्गवक्षेत्र-सम्पदे नमः । 26. oṁ ciranaṣṭa-punarlabdha-bhārgavakṣetra-sampade namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the weath of Kerala, which had been missing for a long time and has been regained. २७. ॐ मृतप्राय-भृगुक्षेत्र-पुनरुत्थित-तेजसे नमः । 27. oṁ mṛtaprāya-bhṛgukṣetra-punarutthita-tejase namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the life of the land of Kerala, which was almost dying and then rose back again. २८. ॐ सौशील्यादि-गुणाकृष्ट-जङ्गम-स्थावरालये नमः । 28. oṁ sauśīlyādi-guṇākṛṣṭa-jaṅgama-sthāvarālaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who by Her qualities like good behaviour attract the whole creation. २९. ॐ मनुष्य-मृग-पक्ष्यादि सर्व-संसेविताङ्घ्रये नमः । 29. oṁ manuṣya-mṛga-pakṣyādi sarva-saṁsevitāṅghraye namaḥ Salutations to Her whose feet are served by humans, animals, birds and all others. ३०. ॐ नैसर्गिक-दयातीर्थ-स्नान-क्लिन्नान्तरात्मने नमः । 30. oṁ naisargika-dayātīrtha-snāna-klinnāntarātmane namaḥ Salutations to Her whose mind is always bathing in the holy river of mercy. ३१. ॐ दरिद्र-जनता-हस्त-समर्पित निजान्धसे नमः । 31. oṁ daridra-janatā-hasta-samarpita nijāndhase namaḥ Salutations to Her who offered Her own food to the poor. ३२. ॐ अन्यवक्त्र-प्रभुक्तान्न-पूरित-स्वीय-कुक्षये नमः । 32. oṁ anyavaktra-prabhuktānna-pūrita-svīya-kukṣaye namaḥ Salutations to Her whose need for food is fully satisfied when others have their meals. ३३. ॐ सम्प्राप्त-सर्व-भूतात्म स्वात्म-सत्तानुभूतये नमः । 33. oṁ samprāpta-sarva-bhūtātma svātma-sattānubhūtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who attained the experience of oneness with all. ३४. ॐ अशिक्षित-स्वयंस्वान्त-स्फुरत्-कृष्ण-विभूतये नमः । 34. oṁ aśikṣita-svayaṁsvānta-sphurat-kṛṣṇa-vibhūtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her in whose mind dawned all the godly qualities of Krishna. ३५. ॐ अच्छिन्न-मधुरोदार कृष्ण-लीलानुसन्धये नमः । 35. oṁ acchinna-madhurodāra kṛṣṇa-līlānusandhaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who continuously contemplated on the various sports of Lord Krishna which brings sweet memories. ३६. ॐ नन्दात्मज-मुखालोक नित्योत्कण्ठित चेतसे नमः । 36. oṁ nandātmaja-mukhāloka nityotkaṇṭhita cetase namaḥ Salutations to Her whose mind was ever craving to see the face of the son of Nanda. ३७. ॐ गोविन्द विप्रयोगाधि-दाव-दग्धन्तरात्मने नमः । 37. oṁ govinda viprayogādhi-dāva-dagdhantarātmane namaḥ Salutations to Her whose mind was burning in the fire of the agony of non-union with Govinda. ३८. ॐ वियोग-शोक-सम्मूर्च्छा-मुहुः-पतित-वर्ष्मणे नमः । 38. oṁ viyoga-śoka-sammūrcchā-muhuḥ-patita-varṣmaṇe namaḥ Salutations to Her whose body was often falling down unconcious due to the grief of non-union with Krishna. ३९. ॐ सारमेयादि-विहित-शुश्रूषा-लब्ध बुद्धये नमः । 39. oṁ sārameyādi-vihita-śuśrūṣā-labdha buddhaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who regained consciousness by the proper nursing done by dogs and other animals. ४०. ॐ प्रेमभक्ति-बलाकृष्ट-प्रादुर्भावित-शार्ङ्गिणे नमः । 40. oṁ premabhakti-balākṛṣṭa-prādurbhāvita-śārṅgiṇe namaḥ Salutations to Her whose sumpreme love attracted Krisha by force to manifest Himself before Her. ४१. ॐ कृष्णालोक-महाह्लाद-ध्वस्त-शोकान्तरात्मने नमः । 41. oṁ kṛṣṇāloka-mahāhlāda-dhvasta-śokāntarātmane namaḥ Salutations to Her whose mind was relieved of its agony by the immense joy of the vision of Krishna. ४२. ॐ काञ्ची-चन्द्रक-मञ्जीर वंशी शोभी स्वभू-दृशे नमः । 42. oṁ kāñcī-candraka-mañjīra vaṁśī śobhī svabhū-dṛśe namaḥ Salutations to Her who had the vision of the form of Krishna shining with the golden ornaments hanging on His belt, anklets, peacock feather and flute. ४३. ॐ सार्वत्रिक हृषीकेश सान्निध्य लहरी-स्पृशे नमः । 43. oṁ sārvatrika hṛṣīkeśa sānnidhya laharī-spṛśe namaḥ Salutations to Her who felt the all-pervading presence of Hrishikesha. ४४. ॐ सुस्मेर-तन् मुखालोक विस्मेरोत्फुल्ल-दृष्टये नमः । 44. oṁ susmera-tan mukhāloka vismerotphulla-dṛṣṭaye namaḥ Salutations to Her whose eyes remained widely open with joy on beholding the smiling face of Hrishikesha. ४५. ॐ तत्कान्ति-यमुना-स्पर्श-हृष्ट-रोमाङ्ग-यष्टये नमः । 45. oṁ tatkānti-yamunā-sparśa-hṛṣṭa-romāṅga-yaṣṭaye namaḥ Salutations to Her whose hair stood on end when She bathed in that emanating light which was like the Yamuna river. ४६. ॐ अप्रतीक्षित सम्प्राप्त-देवी-रूपोपलब्धये नमः । 46. oṁ apratīkṣita samprāpta-devī-rūpopalabdhaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who had an unexpected vision of the form of the Divine Mother. ४७. ॐ पाणि-पद्म-स्वपद्वीणा-शोभमानाम्बिका-दृशे नमः । 47. oṁ pāṇi-padma-svapadvīṇā-śobhamānāmbikā-dṛśe namaḥ Salutations to Her who had the vision of the Divine Mother’s beautiful form holding the veena in her lotus hand. ४८. ॐ देवी सद्यः-तिरोधान-ताप-व्यथित-चेतसे नमः । 48. oṁ devī sadyaḥ-tirodhāna-tāpa-vyathita-cetase namaḥ Salutations to Her who became extremely sorrowful on the Divine Mother’s sudden disappearance. ४९. ॐ दीन-रोदन-निर्घोष-दीर्ण-दिक्कर्ण-वर्त्मने नमः । 49. oṁ dīna-rodana-nirghoṣa-dīrṇa-dikkarṇa-vartmane namaḥ Salutations to Her whose sorrowful wailing was tearing the ears of the four skies. ५०. ॐ त्यक्तान्न-पान निद्रादि-सर्व-दैहिक-धर्मणे नमः । 50. oṁ tyaktānna-pāna nidrādi-sarva-daihika-dharmaṇe namaḥ Salutations to Her who gave up all thoughts of bodily activities like eating, drinking, sleeping, etc... ५१. ॐ कुररादि-समानीत-भक्ष्य-पोषित-वर्ष्मणे नमः । 51. oṁ kurarādi-samānīta-bhakṣya-poṣita-varṣmaṇe namaḥ Salutations to Her whose body was nourished by the food brought by birds and other animals. ५२. ॐ वीणा-निष्यन्दि-संगीत-लालित-श्रुतिनालये नमः । 52. oṁ vīṇā-niṣyandi-saṁgīta-lālita-śrutinālaye namaḥ Salutations to Her whose ears became filled by the waves of divine melodies emanating from the veena. ५३. ॐ अपार-परमानन्द लहरी-मग्न-चेतसे नमः । 53. oṁ apāra-paramānanda laharī-magna-cetase namaḥ Salutations to Her whose mind was merged in the intoxicating supreme bliss. ५४. ॐ चण्डिका-भीकराकार दर्शनालब्ध-शर्मणे नमः । 54. oṁ caṇḍikā-bhīkarākāra darśanālabdha-śarmaṇe namaḥ Salutations to Her who was unsatisfied by the vision of the terrible form of Chandika. |
५५. ॐ शान्त-रूपामृत-झरी-पारणा-निर्वृतात्मने नमः । 55. oṁ śānta-rūpāmṛta-jharī-pāraṇā-nirvṛtātmane namaḥ Salutations to Her who was fully satisfied by drinking from the ambrosial river of the blissful aspect. ५६. ॐ शारदा-स्मारकाशेष-स्वभाव-गुण-सम्पदे नमः । 56. oṁ śāradā-smārakāśeṣa-svabhāva-guṇa-sampade namaḥ Salutations to Her whose nature and qualities remind us of Shree Sharada Devi. ५७. ॐ प्रतिबिम्बित-चान्द्रेय-शारदोभय-मूर्तये नमः । 57. oṁ pratibimbita-cāndreya-śāradobhaya-mūrtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her in whom is reflected the forms of Shree Ramakrishna and Sharada Devi. ५८. ॐ तन्नाटकाभिनयन-नित्य-रङ्गयितात्मने नमः । 58. oṁ tannāṭakābhinayana-nitya-raṅgayitātmane namaḥ Salutations to Her in whom we can see the play of these two enacted. ५९. ॐ चान्द्रेय-शारदा-केली-कल्लोलित-सुधाब्धये नमः । 59. oṁ cāndreya-śāradā-kelī-kallolita-sudhābdhaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the ocean of ambrosia in which the waves of the various plays of Shree Ramakrishna and Sharada Devi arise. ६०. ॐ उत्तेजित-भृगुक्षेत्र-दैव-चैतन्य रंहसे नमः । 60. oṁ uttejita-bhṛgukṣetra-daiva-caitanya raṁhase namaḥ Salutations to Her who has strengthened the divine potentialities of Kerala. ६१. ॐ भूयः-प्रत्यवरुद्धार्ष-दिव्य-संस्कार-राशये नमः । 61. oṁ bhūyaḥ-pratyavaruddhārṣa-divya-saṁskāra-rāśaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who has brought forth again the eternal values set by the Rishis. ६२. ॐ अप्राकृतात्भुतानन्त-कल्याण-गुण-सिन्धवे नमः । 62. oṁ aprākṛtātbhutānanta-kalyāṇa-guṇa-sindhave namaḥ Salutations to Her who is an ocean of divine qualities which are: ६३. ॐ ऐश्वर्य-वीर्य-कीर्ति-श्री-ज्ञान-वैराग्य-वेश्मने नमः । 63. oṁ aiśvarya-vīrya-kīrti-śrī-jñāna-vairāgya-veśmane namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the embodiment of rulership, valour, fame, auspiciousness, knowledge and dispassion. ६४. ॐ उपात्त-बालगोपाल-वेषभूषा-विभूतये नमः । 64. oṁ upātta-bālagopāla-veṣabhūṣā-vibhūtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who acquired the form and qualities of bala Gopala. ६५. ॐ स्मेर-स्निग्ध-कटाक्षायै नमः । 65. oṁ smera-snigdha-kaṭākṣāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her whose glances are most sweet and loving. ६६. ॐ स्वैराध्युषित-वेदये नमः । 66. oṁ svairādhyuṣita-vedaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who in the form of Krishna plays freely. ६७. ॐ पिञ्छ-कुण्डल-मञ्जीर वंशिका किङ्किणी-भृते नमः । 67. oṁ piñcha-kuṇḍala-mañjīra vaṁśikā kiṅkiṇī-bhṛte namaḥ Salutations to Her who wore all the ornaments, the peacock feather and the flute, like Krishna. ६८. ॐ भक्त-लोकाखिलाभीष्ट-पूरण प्रीणनेच्छवे नमः । 68. oṁ bhakta-lokākhilābhīṣṭa-pūraṇa prīṇanecchave namaḥ Salutations to Her who wishes to please Her devotees by fulfilling all their desires. ६९. ॐ पीठारूढ-महादेवीभाव-भास्वर-मूर्तये नमः । 69. oṁ pīṭhārūḍha-mahādevībhāva-bhāsvara-mūrtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who in the mood of the great Divine Mother, seated on the altar, shines with great effulgence. ७०. ॐ भूषणाम्बर-वेषश्री-दीप्यमानाङ्ग-यष्टये नमः । 70. oṁ bhūṣaṇāmbara-veṣaśrī-dīpyamānāṅga-yaṣṭaye namaḥ Salutations to Her whose entire body shines, adorned by ornaments and unique dress like that of the Divine Mother. ७१. ॐ सुप्रसन्न-मुखाम्भोज-वराभयद पाणये नमः । 71. oṁ suprasanna-mukhāmbhoja-varābhayada pāṇaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who has a bright, shining face as beautiful as a lotus flower and who holds Her hand in the posture of blessing. ७२. ॐ किरीट-रशना-कर्णपूर-स्वर्णपटी-भृते नमः । 72. oṁ kirīṭa-raśanā-karṇapūra-svarṇapaṭī-bhṛte namaḥ Salutations to Her who is wearing all the various gold ornaments and the crown like the Divine Mother. ७३. ॐ जिह्वा-लीढ-महारोगि-बीभत्स-व्रणित-त्वचे नमः । 73. oṁ jihvā-līḍha-mahārogi-bībhatsa-vraṇita-tvace namaḥ Salutations to Her who with Her tongue touches the festering skin ulcers of many persons with disease. ७४. ॐ त्वग्रोग-ध्वंस-निष्णात गौराङ्गापर-मूर्तये नमः । 74. oṁ tvagroga-dhvaṁsa-niṣṇāta gaurāṅgāpara-mūrtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who is like Shree Chaitanya in removing skin diseases. ७५. ॐ स्तेय-हिंसा-सुरापानाद्यशेषाधर्म-विद्विषे नमः । 75. oṁ steya-hiṁsā-surāpānādyaśeṣādharma-vidviṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who is strongly disapproving of bad qualities like stealing, injuring others and using intoxicants. ७६. ॐ त्याग-वैराग्य-मैत्र्यादि-सर्व सद्वासना पुषे नमः । 76. oṁ tyāga-vairāgya-maitryādi-sarva sadvāsanā puṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who encourages the development of good qualities like renunciation, dispassion, love... ७७. ॐ पादाश्रित-मनोरूढ-दुस्संस्कार-रहोमुषे नमः । 77. oṁ pādāśrita-manorūḍha-dussaṁskāra-rahomuṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who steals away all the bad tendencies from the hearts of those who have taken refuge in Her. ७८. ॐ प्रेमभक्ति-सुधा-सिक्त-साधु-चित्त-गुहाजुषे नमः । 78. oṁ premabhakti-sudhā-sikta-sādhu-citta-guhājuṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who resides in the cave of the hearts of those who have supreme devotion. ७९. ॐ सुधामणि महानाम्ने नमः । 79. oṁ sudhāmaṇi mahānāmne namaḥ Salutations to Her who has the great name Sudhamani. ८०. ॐ सुभाषित-सुधा-मुचे नमः । 80. oṁ subhāṣita-sudhā-muce namaḥ Salutations to Her whose speech is as sweet as ambrosia. ८१. ॐ अमृतानन्द-मय्याख्या-जनकर्ण-पुटस्पृशे नमः । 81. oṁ amṛtānanda-mayyākhyā-janakarṇa-puṭaspṛśe namaḥ Salutations to Her who in Her name Amritanandamayi is well known to the world. ८२. ॐ दृप्त-दत्त-विरक्तायै नमः । 82. oṁ dṛpta-datta-viraktāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who has aversion towards the offerings of vain and worldly people. ८३. ॐ नम्रार्पित-बुभुक्षवे नमः । 83. oṁ namrārpita-bubhukṣave namaḥ Salutations to Her who accepts food offered with humility by devotees. ८४. ॐ उत्सृष्ट-भोगि-सङ्गायै नमः । 84. oṁ utsṛṣṭa-bhogi-saṅgāyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who avoids sensual people. ८५. ॐ योगि-सङ्ग-रिरंसवे नमः । 85. oṁ yogi-saṅga-riraṁsave namaḥ Salutations to Her who likes the company of yogis. ८६. ॐ अभिनन्दित-दानादि-शुभ-कर्माभिवृद्धये नमः । 86. oṁ abhinandita-dānādi-śubha-karmābhivṛddhaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who encourages good actions like charity. ८७. ॐ अभिवन्दित-निश्शेष-स्थिर-जङ्गम-सृष्टये नमः । 87. oṁ abhivandita-niśśeṣa-sthira-jaṅgama-sṛṣṭaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who is worshipped by the sentient and insentient beings of the world. ८८. ॐ प्रोत्साहित-ब्रह्म-विद्या-सम्प्रदाय-प्रवृत्तये नमः । 88. oṁ protsāhita-brahma-vidyā-sampradāya-pravṛttaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who encourages the learning that will lead to Truth. ८९. ॐ पुनरासादित-श्रेष्ठ-तपोविपिन-वृत्तये नमः । 89. oṁ punarāsādita-śreṣṭha-tapovipina-vṛttaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who brought back the great way of living of the sages of the forests. ९०. ॐ भूयो-गुरुकुलावास-शिक्षणोत्सुक-मेधसे नमः । 90. oṁ bhūyo-gurukulāvāsa-śikṣaṇotsuka-medhase namaḥ Salutations to Her who is very much interested in re-establishing the ‘gurukula’ way of education. ९१. ॐ अनेक-नैष्ठिक-ब्रह्मचारि निर्मातृ-वेधसे नमः । 91. oṁ aneka-naiṣṭhika-brahmacāri nirmātṛ-vedhase namaḥ Salutations to Her who is a mother to many, many life-long bramacharis. ९२. ॐ शिष्य-सङ्क्रामित-स्वीय-प्रोज्ज्वलद्-ब्रह्म-वर्च्चसे नमः । 92. oṁ śiṣya-saṅkrāmita-svīya-projjvalad-brahma-varccase namaḥ Salutations to Her who has given the divine brilliance to her disciples. ९३. ॐ अन्तेवासि-जनाशेष-चेष्टा-पातित दृष्टये नमः । 93. oṁ antevāsi-janāśeṣa-ceṣṭā-pātita dṛṣṭaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who sees all the actions of the disciples. ९४. ॐ मोहान्धकार-सञ्चारि-लोकानुग्राहि-रोचिषे नमः । 94. oṁ mohāndhakāra-sañcāri-lokānugrāhi-rociṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who delights in blessing the worlds like a lamp which removes darkness. ९५. ॐ तमः-क्लिष्ट-मनोवृष्ट-स्वप्रकाश-शुभाशिषे नमः । 95. oṁ tamaḥ-kliṣṭa-manovṛṣṭa-svaprakāśa-śubhāśiṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the light for the ignorant. ९६. ॐ भक्त-शुद्धान्तरङ्गस्थ भद्र-दीप-शिखा-त्विषे नमः । 96. oṁ bhakta-śuddhāntaraṅgastha bhadra-dīpa-śikhā-tviṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the bright flame of the lamp kindled in the pure hearts of devotees. ९७. ॐ सप्रीति-भुक्तभक्तौघन्यर्पित-स्नेह-सर्पिषे नमः । 97. oṁ saprīti-bhuktabhaktaughanyarpita-sneha-sarpiṣe namaḥ Salutations to Her who enjoys taking the ghee of the devotees’ love. ९८. ॐ शिष्य-वर्य-सभा-मध्य ध्यान-योग-विधित्सवे नमः । 98. oṁ śiṣya-varya-sabhā-madhya dhyāna-yoga-vidhitsave namaḥ Salutations to Her who likes to sit with the disciples in meditation. ९९. ॐ शश्वल्लोक-हिताचार-मग्न देहेन्द्रियासवे नमः । 99. oṁ śaśvalloka-hitācāra-magna dehendriyāsave namaḥ Salutations to Her who is always concerned with the good of the world. १००. ॐ निजपुण्य-प्रदानान्य-पापादान-चिकीर्षवे नमः । 100. oṁ nijapuṇya-pradānānya-pāpādāna-cikīrṣave namaḥ Salutations to Her who is happy in exchanging Her own merits with the demerits of others. १०१. ॐ परस्वर्यापन-स्वीय नरक-प्राप्ति-लिप्सवे नमः । 101. oṁ parasvaryāpana-svīya naraka-prāpti-lipsave namaḥ Salutations to Her who is happy in exchanging heaven with hell for the relief of others. १०२. ॐ रथोत्सव-चलत्-कन्याकुमारी-मर्त्य-मूर्तये नमः । 102. oṁ rathotsava-calat-kanyākumārī-martya-mūrtaye namaḥ Salutations to Her who is Kanya Kumari in human form. १०३. ॐ विमोहार्णव-निर्मग्न-भृगुक्षेत्रो-ज्जिहीर्षवे नमः । 103. oṁ vimohārṇava-nirmagna-bhṛgukṣetro-jjihīrṣave namaḥ Salutations to Her who is anxious to bring up the land of Kerala which is immersed in the ocean of ignorance. १०४. ॐ पुनस्सन्तानित-द्वैपायन-सत्कुल-तन्तवे नमः । 104. oṁ punassantānita-dvaipāyana-satkula-tantave namaḥ Salutations to Her who has given a high place to this community of fishermen by taking birth in their line which is supposed to be the line of the great sage Vyasa. १०५. ॐ वेद-शास्त्र-पुराणेतिहास-शाश्वत-बन्धवे नमः । 105. oṁ veda-śāstra-purāṇetihāsa-śāśvata-bandhave namaḥ Salutations to Her who promotes the vedic knowledge and all other spiritual texts. १०६. ॐ भृगुक्षेत्र-समुन्मीलत्-परदैवत-तेजसे नमः । 106. oṁ bhṛgukṣetra-samunmīlat-paradaivata-tejase namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the divine consciousness of the awakening of the land of Kerala. १०७. ॐ देव्यै नमः । 107. oṁ devyai namaḥ Salutations to Her who is the Divine Mother. १०८. ॐ प्रेमामृतानन्दमय्यै नित्यां नमो नमः । 108. oṁ premāmṛtānandamayyai nityāṁ namo namaḥ Salutations to Her who is full of divine love and bliss. ॥ ॐ अमृतेश्वर्यै नमः ॥ oṁ amṛteśvaryai namaḥ Om Amriteshwaryai Namaha |
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***The śrīmātā amṛtānandamayī aṣṭottaraśatanāmāvali was written by Ottoor Sri Unnikrisnan, a well known Malayalee Poet and Devotee of Ammachi.
***Thank you unknown devotees for the English translations.
***The śrīmātā amṛtānandamayī aṣṭottaraśatanāmāvali was written by Ottoor Sri Unnikrisnan, a well known Malayalee Poet and Devotee of Ammachi.
***Thank you unknown devotees for the English translations.